Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Sweden. 

The travel grant’s purpose is to support opinion-forming projects within areas such as politics, public administration, unions, organizations, mass media, industry and commerce, K-12 education, and culture. The opinion-forming component requires that the applicant emphasize how she/he/they can disseminate their project. 

Applicants must supply a realistic and comprehensive project description, which indicates follow-up plans as well as a plan for disseminating research results. U.S. applicants who have made recurrent visits to or resided in Sweden, and Swedish applicants who have made recurrent visits to or resided in the United States, will be considered only in exceptional cases. The grant may not be used to finance participation in conferences or ongoing academic research projects, or vocational or academic courses. The grant is intended for professional enrichment and is thus not applicable to studies or work related to academic degrees. 

Past Recipients and Projects

Bidragsmottagare / Travel Grant Recipients



Swedish Recipients:

Anders Bjers

Exploring Science Communications – enabling trust and facts, in societies where truth and facts are under pressure.

Camila Salazar Atías

Youth and disengagement from street gangs- what can we learn from the US regarding youth and gang criminality? Similarities and learnings from civil society and from critical research.

Lars Arvidsson

How do we inspire and make more students confident and interested in science, despite many students’ language skills difficulties, neurodevelopmental disorders and diverse backgrounds?

American Recipients:

Gersh Kuntzman

Exploring Vision Zero in its homeland (road safety principles in Sweden)

William Hedden

Training Innovators: How is Science taught differently in Sweden and in America?


American Recipient:

Emily Stutts

“Let’s Roll: The Swedish-American Bike Exchange for Accessibility, Safer Streets, and Joyful Children”

Diana Rodin

“Policy and Political Lessons for the Medicaid Program and Other Publicly Funded Perinatal Supports from Swedish Maternity Care”


American Recipient:

Leslie Anderson

The National Nordic Museum’s Director of Collections, Exhibitions, and Programs will travel to Stockholm to finalize the Museum’s plans for its 2022-23 exhibitions and programs that share Swedish and Sami culture with the United States


Swedish Recipient:

Martin Ståhl
“’If it´s not on the internet, it doesn´t exist!’ – Finding ways and technical solutions of how to implement crowdsourcing in the Swedish cultural heritage sector.”

American Recipient:

Nancy Snow
“Comparing and Contrasting Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy with the United States and other First World Nations.”


Due to the pandemic, the Swedish and American recipients in 2020 were unable to travel within the grant’s time frame.


Swedish Recipients:                

Tina Bjers
“To connect with and to better understand tomorrow´s newsrooms and how opinions and ideas are formed in certain groups.”

Andreas Wallgård
“Volunteers on the record. A new source of energy or a dead end?”

American Recipients:

Eve Bower
“Mass media coverage of mass casualty incidents: determining journalists’ best practices in a 24-hour news cycle.”

Michael Cowden
“Trump, trade wars and metal: Why steel and nationalism remain synonymous – and why this threatens the Western order – in a world of composite drones.”


Swedish Recipients:                

Mathias Bred
“Californian politics in the Trump era.”

American Recipients:

Irin Carmon
“A comparative approach to marriage and intimate relationships in Sweden and the United States.”

Kara Deniz
“Lessons from the Swedish Labor Movement.”

Anne-Marie O´Connor
“Comparing the American and Swedish experiences: A people-to-people dialogue on achieving successful immigrant transitions from countries that have dramatically different social norms and laws governing gender and women´s rights than the home countries – in this case Sweden and the Unites States – of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.”

Andrew Michaels
“Reasons why the United States should follow Sweden´s Criminal Justice System Approach of Treating Young Adults (18-20 Years Old) differently from older adults.”


Swedish Recipients:                

Anna Kläppe
“Yes, She Can! The role of economic incentives and sisterhood when running for public office.”

American Recipients:

Derek Monroe
“Swedish Consumer Laws and their application in Swedish Economy.”


Swedish Recipients:                

Basar Gerecci
“Stockholm 2.0 – democratic participation in urban development”

Andreas Utterström
“An awakening giant: How Hispanics are changing the American politics”

American Recipients:

Kevin Doyle
“To conduct research and interviews with members of the Iraqi refugee immigrant community and local government officials in the Södertälje region outside Stockholm in order to create a feature-length interdisciplinary work”

Julie Cid
“J Sees the World: Photographing Sweden Through an American Lens to Capture the Cultural Influences, Differences and Similarities.”


Swedish Recipients:                

Rami Al-Khamisi, människorättsaktivist, opinionsbildare, juriststud.
“Kunskapsinhämtning, inspiration och internationellt nätverksbyggande av erfarenheter bland jurister i frågor om bl a medborgerliga rättigheter.”

Po Tidholm, journalist, författare
“Ett besök i framtidens landskap. Jämförelser mellan svensk och amerikansk glesbygd.”

American Recipients:

Tony Mazzella, Strategic Advisor
“Allocating roadway space for public transport and pedestrians – examples from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö and lessons for Seattle.”

Shandra McLane, Owner/Artist
“Using American and Swedish Glass Art as Educational Innovation.”


Swedish Recipients:

Johanna Klawitter Beusch, gymnasielärare
“Skol- och universitetsbesök för att fördjupa och bredda kunskaperna kring hur den positiva psykologins teorier tillämpas i skolan.”

Thomas Frostberg, journalist
“Besök i filantropins hemland.”

American Recipients:

Lisa Huntscha, Archivist/Librarian
“Exploring the Future of Access, Discoverability, and Digital Initiatives in the Modern Library/Archives Profession: a Tour and Study of Swedish Libraries, Archives, and Heritage Organizations”

Ariana Lindquist, Self employed
“What once was is now”


Swedish Recipients:

Martin Ståhl, arkivarie
“Digitalt tillgängliggörande inom amerikanskt arkivväsende.”

Per Ehn, platschef
“Undersökning av svensk-amerikanska byggnadsminnen i Delaware som resurs för Sverige-Amerika-utbyte.”

American Recipients:

Laura Simeon, Librarian
“Ethnic minorities in contemporary Swedish picture books: how does children’s literature reflect the changing face of Sweden and how are these books being used?”

Caitlin Rose Fox-Hodess, Berkley Unit Chair
“Doctoral Students Rights’ as Workers in Sweden.”


Swedish Recipients:

Eric Sundström, chefredaktör
“Progressiv media i snabb förändring. Hur nya och sociala medier förändrar det politiska åsiktslandskapet i USA.”

Daniel Wetterskog, publik chef
“Interkontinentalt samarbete i syfte att lyfta fram statusen för teknikyrkena genom att i tidig ålder väcka barn och ungas intresse kring teknik och naturvetenskap.”

American Recipients:

Jesse McQarters, Radio Producer
“Vykort från Sverige: A series of radio portraits exploring the folk and classical music of Sweden from an intimate and personal perspective”

Hannah Perner-Wilson, Self-employed
“Involving Machines in the Process of Handmade Textile Sensors.”


Swedish Recipients:

Johan Eriksson, Journalist, frilansskribent
”Arenaboom – på bägge sidor Atlanten”

Helena Gustavsson, reporter och redaktör
”Undersökning av amerikansk filantropi och debatten som förs kring ämnet i USA.”

Andreas Utterström, frilansjournalist
”Sajten som styr vår bild av Obama”

American Recipients:

Anne Balazs, Department Head and Professor of Marketing
“Women´s way of Managing: A Cross-Cultural study of Female Administratiors in Higher Education in Sweden and the United States”

Ingrid Becker, Senior Producer
“Nuclear Power comes of Age in Sweden”

Caitlan Carrol, Freelance Journalist
“Healthy, Weatlhy and Wise: Sweden´s Moderl for Senior Living”

Paul Casey, Senior Transit Programs Analyst
“Latest Innovation in Sustainable Urban Transportation and Land Use: Examples from Sweden”

Vanessa Johnston, Web/TV Producer
“Sweden’s free market school system: A solution for America?”


Swedish Recipients:

Andreas Cervenka, reporter/krönikör
”USA: s utmaningar efter finanskrisen”

Per Dahl, politisk chefredaktör
”Politisk kunskaps- och opinionsbildning under ett mellanvalsår i USA ur ett regionalt perspektiv”

Jennie Hirvasoja, informatör
”Fair Trade i USA-kommunikationsstrategier och praktiskt informationsarbete gentemot konsument, företag och politiska makthavare.”

Åsa Johnsen, verksamhetsledare
”Organisering och finansiering av samhällsutveckling och ideellt engagemang i Sverige och USA – en jämförelse mellan Popkollo och Girls Rock Camp”

American Recipients:

Mary Hilson Georgis, History teacher
“Forging bonds between American and Swedish independent schools through curricular collaboration and exchange.”

David A Loomis, Private Contractor
“Feasibility of implementing sustainable energy practices from Sweden.”

Brian D Marrs, Energy Consultant
“Transatlantic cooperation for a low-carbon future: Swedish policy successes for sustainable energy development and applicability to the United States.”



Swedish Recipients:

Lopez Balbotin, Natacha
Organisering av vissa minoritetsgrupper och minoritetsgruppernas rättigheter i USA

Schmidtbauer, Pia
Community Gardens – Social och ekologisk hållbarhet – stadsodling

Tastare Mari
Metoder vid utbildning och praktiskt arbete med ljussättning i städer

American Recipients:

Shields, Jennifer Ann (Federal Assistance Award)
Spatio-temporal thresholds: reactivating sites of industrial memory- Study of post-industrial reuse in Sweden

Walleck, Andrew Steven (Federal Assistance Award)
Swedish innovation in green energy and legislation applicable for American adaptation



Swedish Recipients:

Ekström, Per M
Skolor i världsklass – likheter och skillnader i svensk och amerikansk skolutveckling

Kjellsson, Björn
Amerikanska valstrategier och opinionsbildning bland icke politiskt aktiva

American Recipients:

Marlowe, Amy A
US/Sweden Exchange – A global partnership of students, teachers and friends

Mason, Christopher S
Lessons in sustainability and energy independence: learning and applying approaches used in Sweden to achieve sustainability in towns in W Massachusetts.



Swedish Recipients:

Hellstadius Wiberg, Maria
Carl Milles konstnärliga verksamhet i USA mellan 1931-51

Rygård, Anna
Utbyte med musei- och utbildningsinstitutioner inom arkitektur, form och design

Sundman, Marina
Järnvägslobbying på en avreglerad marknad: drivkrafter och käpphästar

American Recipients:

Ajinkya, Julie (American Assistance Award)
Women’s Representation: Sweden’s lessons for the U.S.

Eilertsen, Kate
Organization of an exhibition: Contemporary crafts from Scandinavia

Hagert, Eduardo
A new Texas, Invest in our kids, Invest in our Future, legislators in Texas and Sweden



Swedish Recipients:

Hambraeus, Patrik
Tittarnas TV kanal. Besök på Current TV, en kanal där tittarna själva gör filmer,inslag och programinnehåll

Meyer, Jonatan
Rättsväsendets förtroendeskapande arbete i stadsdelen Bronx i New York City

American Recipients:

Oehler, Kara Kristine
Educational Reform in Two Cities: A Comparative Study of Stockholm and Chicago’s Public School Systems

Shufro, Joel A
Worker Participation and Implementation of Work Environment Legislation in Sweden



American Recipients:

Erickson, Elly (American Assistance Award)
Broaden the Knowledge of the Songs and Singers of Sweden. “Singing the Song of Sweden”

Norquist, Heather (American Assistance Award)
Picture Books in Sweden: a Study of Contemporary Swedish Picture Books, Archetypal Themes, and Library Services for Children and Their Families in Sweden



Swedish Recipients:

Britz-Lundström, Sarah
Att studera brottsnedgången i New York, dess förutsättningar och framtid kopplat till svensk brottsökning och debatten

Falsafi, Leli
Mångfald i Kalifornien-organisatorisk effektivitet och framgång för att öka och tillvarata mångfalden på arbetsplatsen

Hallin, Johanna
Tidningsworkshops som verktyg för integration, kommunikation och demokrati

American Recipients:

Harris, Matthew S.
Beyond the Laws: An Analysis of how the Swedish Culture has Successfully Created a Climate Conducive to Labour, Management, and Governmental Cooperation and Stability

Quinn, Lausa A (American Assistance Award)
Understanding Leadership and Organizational Capacity for Sustainability. Research on the Sustainab Robertsfors Project

Ray, Bruce A (American Assistance Award)
Understanding leadership and organizational capacity for sustainability Research on the sustainable Robertsfors Project

Whitfield, Gwendolyn
“Public Policy and Women Entrepreneurs in Sweden: The Innovation Model”



Swedish Recipients:

Frank, Bo
Medborgarinflytande och lokal demokrati i Duluth, Minnesota

Hammarqvist, Johan
Politisk opinionsbildning i USA

Holago, Ulku
Granskning av nyhetsmedier – amerikanska villkor och metoder

Mallik, Ira
Den politiska kartan i USA efter 11 september och lrakkriget

Tedin, Ola
Asiktsbildning i lokal, regional och nationell amerikansk press

American Recipients:

Ren, Xin
Women’s Status and Legal Protection of Women’s Rights in Sweden

Wallinga, David B (Withdrew his grant)
Swedish Approaches to Poultry and Livestock Production to Minimize Antibiotic Use, and Monitoring of Antibiotic Use and Resistant Bacteria in Meats and Animals.



Swedish Recipients:

Pascalidou, Alexandra
Mångfalden i medierna

Sundeen, Johan
De religiösa samfundens betydelse för det ideella arbetet, medmänskliga ansvaret och medborgarandan.

American Recipients:

Glassberg, Andrew Durst
Defence Conversion in Sweden

Ross-Bernstein, Judith
Teaching and Caring for our Youngest Children



Swedish Recipients:

No grants awarded.

American Recipients:

Kittredge, David
Successful approaches to forest owner cooperation.

Smith, Michael
Sweden and the European security and defense policy: The politics of adaptation.


Swedish Recipients:

Carlsson, Mia
3*3 = möte med människor av liknade yrke. Kreativa producenter.

Nelson, Cecilia
Tvåspråkig undervisning i USA.

Rydberg, Linda
3*3 = möte med människor av liknade yrke. Kreativa producenter.

American Recipients:

Adams, Nicholas
Modernist tradition and contemporary architecture in Sweden: their relevance for the United States.
Models of sustainability in Swedish Society, with particular emphasis on natural organic food system; recycling and solid waste disposal, and on public transportation at the local community level.

Furuya, Harumi
Ideas and Policy Legacies in Swedish Immigration Policymaking, 1994 to present.

Owen, Heidi Ann
The Ballets Suedois: Music, Total Ballet Theater and the “Annees Foiles”.

Saxe, John P.
Joint enforcement operations between the United Nations and Regional Organizations: The Swedish contribution to UN joint operations in Former Yugoslavia.


Swedish Recipients:

Aase, Maja
Studera datorn i skolan – Verktyg eller otyg?

Billström, Maria
Studera traumaomhändertagandet enligt principerna för PHTLS.

Dahlgren, Hans
Studera mångfaldsfrågor/diskriminering i den offentliga sektorn.

Mellbourn, Anders
Ett nytt amerikanskt århundrade? USA som enda världsmakt. Hur länge?

Romare, Margareta
Mikrolån istället för socialhjälp? Kan vi i Sverige lära oss något av fattiga, svarta kvinnor i Chicagos slum?

American Recipients:

Bogucki, Peter
An archaeological study visit to Sweden.

Edelstein, Joel
Maintaining a high quality of life in the age of globalization: Swedish perspectives from labor, business, government and political officials, scholars, and policy analysts.

Hennig, Jutta
Sweden· s role in setting EU policy on issues of major importance for the United States, with a partic focus on trade.

Hodes, Glenn
Leveraging human rights progress through restrictive arms export controls: Sweden’s policy and leadership role in Europe and the World.

Martin, Philip
Foreign workers: The case of Sweden.

Olsson, Annika
Policy implications of research on sudden infant death syndrome in Sweden.

Rueffert, Amy
The synthesis of production and design in Swedish glass making: A research proposal.

Steinmo, Sven
The new political economy of taxation.


Swedish Recipients:

Almgren, Bodil
Studera hur bl a State of Ohio arbetar med Inward Investment. Hur kommunerna ( eller motsvarande) arbetar med det lokala näringslivets utveckling.

Eklund, Jan
Undersöka kvalitetspressen i USA. Hur svarar den på det allt starkare kommersiella trycket? Följa upp debatten efter Lewinsky-affären.

Elmquist, Helen
Amerikansk samtidsmusik och samtidskonst.

Eriksson, Leif
Studera bl a hur en region stimulerar samverkan mellan företag och kommun samt pedagogiken vid distansutbildningar.

Hellström, Agneta
Behandlings- och stödprogram för barn och vuxna med ADHD/DAMP och närliggande funktionshinder

Jalakas, Anne
Den amerikanska arbetsmarknaden ur kvinnors perspektiv, positiv särbehandling.

Klemming, Sofia och Mårtens, Ylva
Studera skolor som tillämpar Dr Lorraine Monroes pedagogik för “problemskolor”.

Levi, Ragnar
Studera medicinsk nyhetsvärdering, journalistik och nyhetsförmedling genom studiebesök vid New Yo Times och Journal ofthe American Medical Association.

Westerdahl, Stig
Studera det system med krediter till mikro- och småföretag som finns inom CDFI, Community Development Financial Institutions.

American Recipients:

Karp, Aaron and Karp, Regina
Sharing the burdens: the prospect for cooperation in foreign policy between Sweden and the United States.

McCall, Dorothy
How the Swedish artists, Selma Lagerlof, Karin Larsson and Jennie Nystrom contributed to the Scandi­navian celebrations and traditions, which continue to thrive in America today.

Morrison, Wayne
An overview and comparison with U.S. Government Trade Programs.

Peters, John Durham
Scholarly research on media, democracy and the public sphere in Sweden (which will result in a publication).

Reiss, Diana
A positive model for U.S. multiculturalism and immigration policy. Bosnia in Exile: An ethnically mixed community reinvents itself in Sweden.

Schockman, Eric H.
Efforts for political identity and the role of higher education among the Sarni people of Sweden.

Scott, Carole
A comparative study of Swedish and English language picture books for children with focus on the text­illustration interaction and dynamic.


Swedish Recipients:

Attorps, Kaj
Studera det amerikanska skolväsendet på den nivå som motsvarar vårt svenska gymnasium.

Eide-Jensen, Inger
Studera fungerande biblioteksnätverk i USA, framförallt sådana nätverk där olika huvudmän samarbetar om gemensam litteratur/dokumentförsörjning på regional basis för att ge biblioteks-användarna en snabbare och bättre service.

Johansson, Karin
Studera det opinionsbildande arbete som utförs i en amerikansk handelskammare och göra jämförelser med arbetet i svenskt handelskammarväsende.

Karlander Dahl, Charina och Åhman, Lars
Studera överviktssituationen i USA – behandling, bemötande, medborgerliga rättigheter, klädsituationen och de federala myndigheternas förhållningssätt till överviktsproblematiken.

Lindberg, Fredrik
Utvecklingen inom bokmarkuaden, framförallt de bokhandelskedjor som växer snabbt, s.k. “superstores” och som pressar oberoende bokhandlare. Även hur ny teknik skapar nya förutsättningar för marknadsföring och distribution.

Mattsson, Pontus
Den amerikanska invandringspolitiken och den livliga debatten om vad invandringen fått för konsekvenser.

Nylander, Helena
Besöka produktionsbolag som arbetar med bokprogram för barn och ungdom för att stärka barns intresse för böcker.

Runevad, Karin och Rainey, Margaret
“Bussningen”, dvs tvångsintegrering i grundskolan på 1970-talet och vilka åtgärder som vidtogs för att lösa de problemen i USA.

American Recipients:

Brumfield, Jesse
Examination of the Swedish Public Employment Service’s Full Service System.

Gramlich, Lori
Preventing the generational transmission on physical punishment through education: What Americans can learn from the implementation of Sweden’s anti-spank legislation.

Hartley, Mitschka
Conserving biodiversity in managed forest landscapes: Swedish methods in natural forests and plantations, contrasted to the northeastern U.S. and Canada.

Levin, Stanford
Technological Change, The Dynamics of Communications Networks, Competition and Telecommuni­cations Policy in the United States, Sweden and Around the World.

Pierre, Andrew
Swedish Approaches to NATO Enlargement, Relations with Russia, and Conventional arms Proliferation.

Shveima, Michael
The Immigration of ldeas: A Case Study of Architect Ferdinand Boberg.

Sykes, Kathleen
Ergonomics in the healthcare industry: Swedish policy and practice.

Tilton, Timothy
Swedish National Parks: Their Origins, Administration, and Future.

Weinbaum, Eve
Work and the Global Economy in the 1990s: Analyzing Transformations in Swedish Politics.

Wheeler, Jeffrey
A study on Swedish labour law and practice concerning temporary and contingent employees, and employee involvement in decision making in private companies.


Swedish Recipients:

Bergström, Ann Marie
Hur man hanterar olika former av diskriminering inom arbetslivet i USA, med tonvikt på ålders­diskriminering.

Gynnerstedt, Kerstin
Studiebesök inom olika frivilligverksamheter för att ta del av plariering, ledning, genomförande och finansiering hos dem för den framtida utvecklingen av svensk äldreomsorg.

Heikenfeldt, Kerstin och Karlsson, Maria
Göra en ingående studie av strategier, målsättningar och målgrupper inom det offentliga informationsarbetet avseende miljöfrågor.

Jansson, Irene

Inhämta kunskaper och skapa kontakter inom området innovation och entreprenörskap inriktat främst mot kvinnor.

Karlsson, Jimmy

Studera och deltaga i möteri mellan professionella dramaturger och manusförfattare/producenter för att se hur man i USA arbetar med och hanterar manusutveckling och omskrivning av manus.

Kraft, Annelie
Studera metoder och arbetssätt hos de frivilligorganisationer som arbetar med utbildning och opinionsarbete för en ökad miljömedvetenhet.

Malmqvist, Thomas
Studera frivilligt socialt arbete som bedrivs i ideella organisationer, främst inom två områden; kliniker för våldsutsatta kvinnor samt organisationer skapade av och för f.d. missbrukare.

Rodell, Hanns
Besöka organisationer som stöttar skolor i socialt utsatta områden med kulturverksamhet för barn och ungdomar.

Rosenqvist, Ulf
Inhämta kunskaper om hur man på bästa sätt ska arbeta för att hejda och hålla nere hivepidemin och stödja hivbärare och närstående.

Wikander, Marita
Studera de amerikanska friluftsmuseernas kunskap och erfarenhet av kulturmarknadsföring, information, museiförsäljning samt sponsoring.

American Recipients:

Carlson, Robert
The Face of Sweden: Discovering the Swedish Identity. A public radio audio documentary.

Comisso, Ellen
Trimming the Sails of Jumping Ship: The significance of recent changes in labour market institutions a welfare provision in Sweden.

Davidoff, Judith
Sweden’s Contributions to the Viol Repertoire, Past and Present.

Golden, Miriam
Patronage and Corruption in Public Bureaucracies: A Comparative Study of Good Government in Sweden.

Kelly, James
Integration of Swedish Insight in Tree Nutrition Management into the Production of Short Rotation Woody Crops in Iowa.

Landzelius, Kyra
A Sociohistorical Comparison of Tobacco Advertising and Prevention Campaigns in Sweden and the United States.

Rae, Ruth
An Investigation into the Meaning of Swedish Allotment Gardens and Homes.

Rinehart, Robert
Recent Historical Research on Sweden during World War II and the Cold War.

Seward, Rudy
Fathers and Parental Leave: Sweden and the United States.

Steele, Jennifer
Single Mother Families in Sweden: The Effect of Labour Market and Family Policy on Economic Well-Being.


Swedish Recipients:

Arrhenius, Sara
Studera hur vi kulturellt påverkas av informationssamhället.

Brattgård, Magnus
Jämförelser av ungdomars attityder till dödsstraff i USA och Sverige.

Böök, Peter
Samla material kring bl a sagor från den polynesiska ö-världen som kan sammanställas till en barnteaterföreställning.

Engquist, Patrik och Claesson, Mårten
Studera amerikansk samtida arkitektur som ett uttryck för den nationella kulturen.

Fleischer, Siegfried
Den amerikanska erfarenheten av ideella organisationers och frivilliginsatsers betydelse i milj öskyddsarbetet.

Hedfors, Ola och Larsson, Anna Lena
Studera alternativa arbetsformer och metoder för att vitalisera intresset för naturvetenskap/teknik bland ungdomar.

Jacobson, Maria
Studera hur man skapar opinion kring mediefrågor.

Kram, Ebon
Studera det sexualiserade våldet.

Lunde, Åse
Jämföra kvinnliga polisers situation i USA och Sverige.

Olsson, Anders R
Studera hur man använder informationsteknologi för att fördjupa medborgarnas demokratiska engagemang.

American Recipients:

Baker, Evan
Research of a selection of original documents and iconographic materials relating to operatic productios in the Drottningholm Theater Museum.

Jaeger, Ami
Ethical Considerations and Public Policy Implications in the Integration of Human Genetic Services in Sweden.

Karna, Duane
Choir Acoustics: Its impact upon the way choral directors teach, rehearse, and conduct choral music.

Magney, David
A comparison of Swedish and American Wetlands Protection Laws and Business Application to the Laws.

Nichols, Andrew
Document and Understand how the Swedish Government and Private Sector Collaborate in Solving Problems Relating to Health Care, Health Education and Environmental Health in Sweden.

Reynolds, Anne
How has the Swedish System of Hazardous Waste Management served as an Incentive for Pollution Prevention?

Sain, James
Recontextualization of Concrete and Granulated Synthetic Sonic Resources.

Wells, Dave
The Contribution of the Spirit in Ume and South Sarni Folk Art in Sweden.


Swedish Recipients:

Assefa, Astrid
Studera integrationsarbete och antirasistiskt arbete i avsikt att förmedla denna kunskap i Sverige.

Bjerström, Erika
Studera kvinnligt chefsskap inom medievärlden samt studera den växande motrörelsen, the Contrarians, i miljöfrågor.

Blomkvist, Sonja
Studera samarbetet mellan näringsliv och skola.

Floyd, Carmilla
Studera barn och ungdomars villkor, problem och möjligheter i fattiga, våldsamma och etniskt blandade områden i Los Angeles.

Grenfors, Lisa och Torgerson, Helena
Studera de kvinnopolitiska lobbygrupperna.

Hellström, Göran J
Studera konstlivet i USA.

Jansson, Magnus
Studera hur GATT-avtalet och bildandet av NAFTA påverkar svenskt lantbruk samt hormonanvändning djuruppfödning.

Pettersson, Mats
Studera hur välutbildade invandrare integreras på arbetsmarknaden.

Wennersten, Marie
Studera informationsteknologins effekter för samhället och för den enskilda människan.

Östberg, Thomas
Studera hur opinionsjournalistiken utvecklas i USA.

American Recipients:

Armstrong, Winifred
Integrating Economic and Environmental Measures of Sustainable Development.

Berg, Larry
A Comparative Analysis of Public-Private Policies, Processes, and Decision Making Regarding New Environmental and Energy Technologies in California ans Sweden.

Englund, Julie
Promotion of Physical and Mental Health within the Swedish Old Age Care System.

Farber, Paul and Holm, Gunilla
Swedish Teacher Education and the Schooling of At-Risk Students: The Applicability of the Swedish Model to the American Context.

Fricker, Karen
Angels in Sweden: An in-depth study of the Municipal Thester of Stockholm’s production of Tony Kushner’s Pulitzer Prize-winning American play “Angels in America”.

Kjelson, Lee
The Study of Significant Trends and Practices within Swedish Choral Music at Professional, University and General Educational Levels, Through Interviews, Observation and Interaction Activities.

Mortensen, Kristine
The role played by the Swedish news media in shaping the Swedish view of life in the USA – Beyond Wall Street, Washington, Disneyworld and Hollywood.

Pearlman, Nancy
The project is a mini-series of radio interviews for the international radio series ENVIRONMENT AL DIRECTIONS; experts will cover Sweden’s ecological problems and solutions.

Waldmann-Williams, Teresa
Confluent Linkages of Business, Government, and Educations sectors to Achieve Global Success in a Comparative Marketplace: Comparison of Sweden and USA.

Walshok, Mary
New enterprise development in high technology fields: A Comparison of the United States and Swedish experience in selected areas of telecommunications and biotechnology.

Wellons, Sharon
Lessons to be learned from Sweden’s system for ensuring economic viability for families with dependen children as America revisits welfare reform.


Swedish Recipients:

Baronowsky, Rut
Inhämta kunskap om frivilligarbete i USA i avsikt att förmedla denna kunskap i Sverige.

Gerdemo-Holmgren, Louise
Studera informationsverksamheten vid den amerikanska kongressen.

Gröning, Lotta Politisk
Studera det nya sjukförsäkringssystemet i USA.

Henriksson, Lars
Studera hur nya metoder för arbetsorganisation, s.k. “mager produktion” påverkat förhållandena på arbetsplatserna och förändrat förutsättningarna för fackföreningarnas verksamhet.

Killander-Braun, Lisa
Studera skrivar-, foto- och layoutundervisning i journalistutbildningen vid några amerikanska universitet.

Ljungberg, Carl Johan
Studera de problem som den amerikanska demokratin idag möter samt gensvaret i form av en akademisk och kulturell debatt om demokratins systemfel.

Renstig, Monica
Studera entreprenörskap/kvinnligt entreprenörskap.

Sandberg, Håkan
Studera unga subkulturer i relation till det amerikanska samhället.

Sittenfeld, Johan
Studera USA:s tekniska utbildning på bachelor- och masternivåerna avseende innehåll och form.

Stark, Agneta
Studera den ekonomiska debatten inriktad på kvinnors villkor och forskningsutvecklingen om könsmaktssystem och ekonomi.

Sällqvist, Anna
Studera opinionsbildning inom området barns rättigheter.

Thunberg, Bo
Studera vilken betydelse “handla miljövänligt” har i USA sett från konsumentsynvinkel, dagligvaruhandel och tillverkare.

American Recipients:

Anderson, James
Shared Residential Environments: Communal Housing in Sweden

Blatt, Martin
Preserving and Interpreting Workers’ Culture in Sweden and the United States: A Comparative Examination

Cook, Edward
Environmental Education and the Role of Nature in the Urban Environment: An Examination of Initiatives in Swedish Cities

Drugge, Carolyn
Using Lessons from Sweden to Reduce Violence in Maine

Fechtner, Daniel
Universal Design and Assistive Technology for the Disabled

Kolbert, Elizabeth
The Influence of Television Violence on a Non-Violent Society-The Case of Sweden

Norris-Schwinn, Vivian
The Swedish Film Industry and the New Europe: Scandinavian Film Creating a New Path

Raymer, Kathryn
A Cross-Cultural Study of Swedish and American Health Education and Health Care Policies and Strategies for Implementation of Stress Management in Schools and Corporations

Sime, Wesley
A Cross-Cultural Study of Swedish and American Health Education and Health Care Policies and Strategies for Implementation of Stress Management in Schools and Corporations

Rhoten, Diana
A Survey of the Policies and Services which Drive the Swedish Youth Employment and Training Syste:

Ryan, Donald
The Evolution of Domestic Long Distance Telecommunications Competition: A Comparison of Sweden and New Laws to the US Experiences

Teague, Elizabeth
An Artistic and Cultural Exchange between American and Swedish Artists Working with Glass

Wong, Eric
Comparison of United States and Swedish Experience in Electricity Futures.


Swedish Recipients:

Berggren, Erik
Studera studentinflytandet och studentorganisationer vid tre utvalda universitet.

Brunius, Vija och Schöld, Yvonne Leg
Studera hur organisationen av <lövpsykiatrin är uppbyggd samt ta del av den amerikanska utbildningen.

Brännström, Bertholof
Studera kampen om skogens olika värden, tala med förespråkare från olika intressegrupper och undersöka vad New Forestry egentligen innebär.

Bye, Agneta
Hur arbetar man i Washington och New York med olika program för att förebygga brottslighet.

Danielsson, Helena
Besöka “Media Center for Children” för att få fördjupad kunskap i deras arbetsmetoder kring främst film som stimulans i undervisningen för barn/ungdom.

Grimlund, Jan
Studera ekologisk odling och marknadsföring av amerikanska produkter.

Karlholm, Tommy och Richter, Lars
Studera PR, information och brottsförebyggande arbete på olika polismyndigheter på federal, delstatlig, kommunal och lokal nivå.

Olofsson, Elisabet

Studera utställningsmediet som kommunikationsmiljö med utgångspunkt i det skrivna ordets plats i utställningen.

Sjöström, Laila
Få inblick i administration av självförvaltande skolor i USA.

Sävström, Ingalill
Se vilka utbildningsmöjligheter som handikappade och framför allt utvecklingsstörda barn och ungdomar har i offentliga/kommunala skolor och till vilken kostnad.

Waldenström, Patrik

Besöka science centers, bl a Exploratorium i san Fransisco, för att studera deras utbildningsverksamhet.

Åhlund, Lars
Studera de system som utvecklas i USA för ersättning till vårdgivare i hälso- och sjukvården.

American Recipients:

Baumgardner, Joan
Comparative Study Visit of Swedish and American Health Care Delivery

Fromm, Dorit
Researching and Visiting Collaborative Housing for Older People in Sweden

Greene, Jack
Organizational Change for Community Policing in Sweden

Le Roy, Michael
Social Democracy and Political Culture: Patty Responsiveness to Social Change in Sweden

Loftus, Thomas
Comparison of the Role of the Speaker in American State Legislatures with Parliamentary Leaders

Nelson, Gordon
Fire Safety Engineering – Fire Behaviour of Plastics

Neumeyer, Peter
Minorities as Represented in Children’s Books

Proctor, Charles
Waste Management and Environmental Impact of Liquid Hazardous Waste Disposal. Using Cement Kilns in Sweden ans an Indicator for Canada and the US

Starkey, Brigid
Foreign Policy and the 1991 Swedish National Elections: The Politicization of National Security

Szulc, Paula
The Swedish Distance Education System: How Adults are Reached for Lifelong Leaming. Applications for Higher Education Policy in the US

Vaughan, Sharon
An Oral History Approach to corporal Punishment of Children in Sweden and the US

Wiles, Charles
An Examination of the Roles of Men and Women depicted in Advertising in Sweden and the US


Swedish Recipients:

Agebäck, Ann Katrin
Det amerikanska synsättet när det gäller förhållandet mellan barn och våldsskildringar på rörliga bilder.

Björk, Kerstin
Hur man vid Gallaudet University, Washington rekryterar till teckenspråkstolkyrket och dövblindtolkyrket och hur man ger en relevant fortbildning.

Carlberg, Ingrid
Medias roll i den politiska beslutsprocessen och jämställdhetsarbete.

Feltzin, Per
Amerikanska radiostationer. 1992 kommer att bli det år då radion som media kommer att förändras.

Holmström, Stefan
Tänkbara alternativ för svensk utbildning för svenska läkare i ekonomi, administration och ledarskap.

Johles, Lis
Hur lägggs beteendeterapeutisk behandling upp för barn med autism, beteendestörningar och inlärningssvårigheter?

Lindh, Björn
Hur olika institutioner och organisationer i USA bedriver vad det gäller barns rättigheter.

Nuder, Pär
Amerikanska experters syn på Sovjetunionen och Östeuropa och den inrikespolitiska situationen i USA.

Rönnbäck, Brit
Hur byggs det stöd upp som ges de studerande beträffande studievanor och studieteknik och hur delges studerande?

Tottie-Håkansson, Christina
Avfallshanteringen när det gäller källsortering, återanvändning och slutgiltigt omhändertagande av avfallet för att förbättra människors hälsa.

Wiklund, Åke
Hur agerar den pro-israeliska lobbyn i USA mot bakgrund av att många amerikanska judar nu kritiserar Israels hållning i den arabisk-israeliska konflikten?

Wirmark, Bo
Hur myndigheter, forskare samt kyrkor och andra ickestatliga organisationer arbetar med frågan om en världsordning och i synnerhet möjligheterna till en verklig internationell nedrustning.

American Recipients:

Chateaux of the North, from Tessin to Adelcrantz, a typological survey of 18th century Swedish manor houses in the French tradition

Fortis, Louis G.
Create a universal health care program for the state of Wisconsin that will serve as model for other states

Halverson, Marlene K.
Case studies of producer adjustments to Swedish animal welfare regulations related to swine production

Hanlon, Martin D.
Education and training for public service: A comparative study of government human resources systems in Sweden and New York City

Huber, Evelyne S.
Development and Crises of the Swedish welfare state: Is the social democratic model at an impasse?

Stephens, John D.
Development and Crisis of the Swedish welfare state: Is the social democratic model at an impasse?

Lesser, Rika E.
Completing the tentatively-titled manuscript Selected Poems of Goran Sonnevi, translated by Rika Lesser

Lofquist, Vicki L.
” … to record material for two one-half radio documentaries on the topic of Sweden as a model for development during a time of dramatic social change in many countries”

Rosenbloom, Sandra
Swedish service routes for elderly and disabled people: Which elements can be emulated in the United States

Ross, John F.
External relations of the European Community: the case of Sweden

Shostak, Arthur B.
Innovation within and by Swedish labor organizations: aids and barriers to creativity and risk-taking

Stark, Paula L.
How the education system in Sweden is integrated to I) orient learners to working life, 2) prepare them for work with job skills and 3) gain them access to the labour market


Swedish Recipients:

Bergström, Dagmar
Modeller för ekvivalering och utvärdering av kvalitet av den högre utbildningen.

Danowsky, Peter
Intervjuer med jurister och journalister för att utröna hur sanningsbevisning hanteras i tryckfrihetsmål.

Eriksson, Rolf
Den politiska utvecklingen inom bl a miljö, energi, jordbruk och regionalpolitik.

Fredholm, Anders
Hur informeras beslutsfattare inom olika samhällsområden och allmänheten om nyttan av att använda geologisk information?

Hedberg, Gertrud

Konceptet “Competence Development”, såsom det utnyttjas och utvecklas i USA.

Hultin, Katarina
Besöka teatergrupper som arbetar med unga människor, bl a “the Living Stage” och ungdomsprojektet “Rice and Shine”.

Kaijser, Eva
Hur gör man slagkraftig och rolig radio utan att ge upp den seriösa ansatsen om vi får en reklamfinansierad radio?

Noring, Ann-Sofi

Det konstbildande arbete som bedrivs av “the New Museum of Contemporary Art “; ett program som vänder sig till gymnasieskolor.

Sundström, Jan
Intervjua ett antal konstnärer för att skriva en bok med titeln “Minnen av Öyvind Fahlström”.

Svedberg, Tomas
Renässansen för spårvagnar och spårbunden trafik i de störrre städerna i Kalifornien.

Tapaninen, Maria

Talboksförsörjning för flyktingar och invandrare. Foreign-Language Programmet vid National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped(NLS), Library of Congress.

American Recipients:

Anderson, Anthony D.
Swedish government policy to reduce pesticide use by 50 percent. How such a policy would affect crop production, food supply, farm income and prices paid by consumers

Coates, Gary J.              

Siepl-Coates, Susanne
The architecture of the Swedish architect Erik Asmussen with a focus on his buildings in Jama and Stockholm

Craig, Peter S.
Origins and background of New Sweden Settlers, 1638-1664. Establish work and relationships with Swedish archivists, historians and genealogists

Lake, Robert W.
Locational conflict over toxic waste dumping in international perspective: politics, community and culture in local opposition to unwanted facilities

Lynch, Roberta A.
Labor organization participation in enchancing the quality of public services. How Sweden has addressed issues of social service delivery in the public sector

Mitzel, Margaret M.
Importing Swedish strategies for changing societal attitudes towards physical punishment

Rayman, Paula M.
Overcoming the barriers: evaluating workplace literacy for immigrants, women and older workers

Steel, Ronald L.
Swedish approaches to European integration and to the structure of a post-cold war Europe

Wolf, Barbara
Identify the rationale and approaches to enhance visitor learning in museums and other exhibition settings

Yerkey, Gary G.
Sweden as an economic and social model for reform in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and its likely impact on international trade, particularly between the United States and Europe


Swedish Recipients:

Adlercreutz, Thomas
Studier av kulturmiljövård.

Barkman, Clas
Politisk retorik och övertalningskonst.

Edholm, Isa
Såsom initiativtagare till “Radio Ellen” få tillfälle studera kvinnor och media.

Edwardson, Åke
Besöka journalistinstitutioner för att utreda möjligheten att starta “Campus”-tidning.

Frostegren, Erik
Hur organiseras och genomförs undervisningen av invandrarbarn och ungdomar i Los Angeles.

Grönlund, Erna
Utöka kunskaperna om diagnostisering och dansterapeutisk behandling för psykotiska barn.

Holst, Charlotte
Bostadsbyggande och stadsplanering i USA ur kvinnosynpunkt.

Jobs-Björklöf, Kersti
Verksamheten vid “Open Air Museums”. Hur används datateknik i utställningssammanhang?

Johansson, Eva-Li
De mänskliga rättigheterna och därigenom bidra till att frågornas komplexitet blir bättre belysta i Amnesty Press.

Loheman, Susanne
Litteraturanalys, biblioteksverksamhet och sagoboksanvändning på Rhode Island School for the Deaf.

Thörnblom-Lestrup, Ann-Sophi

Utöka de praktiska och teoretiska kunskaperna om diagnostisering via rörelse samt dansterapeutisk behandlingsmetoder för tidigt emotionellt störda barn.

Östberg, Olof
Åklagarens roll och arbetsmetoder. Hur bekämpar man drogproblemet?

American Recipients:

Alpert, Eugene J.
An investigation of the effect ofa Washington internship on the attitudes of Swedish students towards politics and the media in the US and Sweden

Boise, Linda
The policy considerations associated with efforts to control national spending in care for the elderly and the potential conflict with other national social welfare goals

Boyd, William Lowe
Swedish education policy in terms of the kind of balance between centralization in governance arrangements and its consequences for quality and equality in the provision of schooling

Brown, Marianne P.
How Sweden trains its workers in the area of workplace, health and safety, with special attention to new technology/ergonomic issues

Eliason, Leslie Carol
An investigation of recent trends in educational policy, especially linkages to labor market policies, contemporizing previous research on educational reform in Sweden from 1940-62

Hilliard, Robert D.
A comparison of management styles and authorities of major Swedish newspapers with their US counterparts and an analysis of the use of informational graphics by Swedish newspapers, including their news source relationships

McQuiston, Thomas H.
To gain and broadly disseminate information regarding philosophies, materials and methods utilized in Swedish work environment education

Morrissy, Patrick J.
To apply Swedish manufactured housing component technology and on-site erection processes to building affordable housing in the US on small city lots

Richman, Neal T.
Swedish housing policy, particularly the impact of the “miljonprogram” on housing affordability for lower income people and current efforts underway to “democratize” large residential apartment blocks through increasing tenant participation in decisionmaking

Robertson, Kent A.
A comparison of pedestrian malls in American and Swedish downtowns. Issues related to urban design, transportation, retailing, and public use will be examined in select cities


Swedish Recipients:

Ahnborg, Johan
Undersöka mmöjlighetema till ett kulturellt utbytesprogram mellan arkitekter på USA’s västkust och Sverige.

Berglund, Britta
Undersöka hur sjukhus och kommuner samarbetar när det gäller de äldre. Vilka samverkansformer finns?

Brifalk, Anette
Besöka fem organisationer, vars främsta uppgift är att stödja kvinnor och skapa opinion för ökad jämställdhet.

Ekenberg, Kerstin
Studera de alfabetiseringsinsatser som görs i USA för att fä nya infallsvinklar till utvecklingen av grundvux i Sverige.

Fridlund, Hans

Studera amerikanska högre läroanstalters intensifierade satsning under 1980-talet på universitetsfakulteter för “Jazz Studies”.

Af Geijerstam, Sten Olof
Användningen av Desk Top Publishing genom kontakter med tidskrifter, institutioner och enskilda journalister/forskare.

Gussing, Ragnar
Arbetsmarknadspolitik i USA – idediskussion och praktiskt genomförande.

Johansson, Roland

USA’s system för “källsortering” av avfall och hur man hanterar miljöfarliga produkter och rötslam från avloppsreningsverk.

Järtelius, Arne

Samla erfarenhet och material för projektet “Invandrarsverige”, som ska resultera i femtontalet invandrarutställningar.

Nordberg, Olle
Studera science centers i USA framförallt med avseende på utställningarnas innehåll, på den teknik och de konstruktionslösningar man använt.

Ottenäs, Eva
Följa arbetet på den alternativa kvinnliga nyhetsbyrån “Her Say” i San Francisco för att finna nya arbetsformer.

Weiderud, Peter
Utveckla relationerna mellan de båda organisationerna “Kristna Fredsrörelsen” och Fellowship of Reconciliation in the US”.

Lagercrantz, Richard
Spansktalande ungdomar i USA blir utslagna i mycket högre utsträckning än andra grupper i New York high school. Vill studera hur man tänker lösa detta?

Sandin, Peter

Undervisning i USA om problemlösning i matematik och hur man finner nya metoder för detta.

American Recipients:

Anderson, Myrdene
Collecting Saami genealogical information in the region around Karesuando. Learning more about the grasroots response to the Chernobyl incident

Barkan, Joanne
“Ideological and political role of the “socialist vision” in Swedish society; what cultural resonance does this vision have today, and how does it relate to the political and economic strategies of the Social Democratic Movement?”

Cohen, Abby J
Legal framework of Sweden’s child care system with particular emphasis on regulation, financing, liability, and the legal issues facing programs for special needs children.

Coughlin, Richard M
Relationship between elite and mass political attitudes in Sweden, based on analysis of survey data and personal interviews

Dresser, Mary T
A journalistic investigation of the status of older women alone: how a modern industrial society provides for them now and in the future

Heumann, Judith E
How Sweden plans for and meets the needs of its elders with a focus on those persons with functional limitations or disabilities

Janoski, Thomas E
To do a cross national time series study of active labor market policy.

Kearsley, Harold J
Today’s military maritime environment is not understood. Limited conflict is the norm. The Swedish Navy will be studied to illustrate the changing requirements of coastal non-nuclear naval employment

Lansing-Bracht, Dona
The Swedish “network” approach to social service delivery for purposes of integrating this method into new and existing social services in the US            ·

The effects of Sweden’s allowing its police officers to work part-time, and whether this concept can be successfully introduced to American police dept.

Refsal, Harley J
Woodcarvings of Axel Petersson “Doderhultarn”, in preparing for articles and presentations of his artwork

Seitzinger, Michael V
Securities and corporate law, with concentration on regulation of mergers and acquisitions (incl tender offers), insider trading in securities and foreign investment restrictions

Thorpe, Suzanne
To conduct bibliographic research on Swedish legal publications in order to expand their availability and improve their use in the US


Swedish Recipients:

Almgren, Hans
American history and American social and political life, the “industrializing archaeology” in the first industrialized region ofthe US. (Sökande är författare av läroböcker i samhällslära för gymnasiet.)

Appelbom, Richard
The practice of open bidding and privatisation in local authorities. The issue of privatisation will probably play an important role in Swedish politics.

Folin, Catharina
Amerikanska museers utåtriktade verksamhet främst utställningsteknik. Inventera svenska föremålsbestånd på museer i NY.

Gahrton, Per
Studies of environmental politics and actions.

Lernhagen, Carina
Using multimedia at museums and other cultural institutions. Multimedia tends to work very well as a complement to an exhibition, for matters of information or as a pedagogical instrument.

Lindskog, Lars
Following the work of one or two members of the Congress during a period of six weeks. Follow the Primaries of the 1988 presidential Election Campaign.

Lund, Kjell och Nilsson, Nils-Erik
Få kontakt med amerikanska myndigheter och privatpersoner som arbetar med kontakterna mellan skolan och hemmet. Myndigheternas inställning till skolan och samarbetet med föräldrarna. Informera om att arbeta med materialet “växa tillsammans”.

Lönnroth, Ami
General attitude in American media to the nuclear threat.

Norrnark, Ruth E
The American Resettlement Program, esp the sponsorship part which means that before leaving for the US the refugees should have sponsors that receive them upon arriving and what can be applied to Swedish circumstances.

Pettersson, Lars
Visit human rights organizations to study what questions they focus upon, how they are organized, how they collect information and documentation etc and desseminate to the Congress, the press and to the public.

Sandberg, Nils-Eric
The US economy, recent development ofthe public choice approach, and the debate on the US trade policy.

Svenstedt, Carl Henrik
The representation of reality in the media. As the media structure becomes just another entertainement business, the status and working conditions of documentaries and concerned reportage is degrading all over the field.

Örnkloo, Ulf

Different aspects of university rhetoric education. How is it carried out, in what sort of occupations is the professional need for it most apparent, are there special courses for special purposes, etc.

Olson-Frick, Hans
Renew contacts with researchers in the field of disability pension and early retirement in the US. Get information about new researchers in the who are looking upon the development of early retirement.

American Recipients:

Carpenter, Kenneth E
Migration of ideas in Europe before 1850, by means ofa bibliography of translations of economic literature published before 1850

Flynn, J Daniel
Sweden’s response to the Chernobyl nuclear accident so that California may better prepare for a similar emergency

Haglund, Karl
The architecture of Gunnar Asplund and Sigurd Lewerentz

Industrial democracy in Sweden in order to advise members of Congress in funding demonstration projects in labor management co-operation

Johnson, Marlene
Swedish system of early childhood education, child care and parent education

Johnson, Paul W
Evolution and present status of land use laws in Sweden with particular ref to the conflicts private ownership – public interests

Kleemeier, Elizabeth, Lyle
Swedish efforts to influence Tanzania’s development strategy through policy dialogue, the allocation of Swedish assistance

Krauss, Ellis S
Collaborate with Swedish co-researcher on study of research sites for project “Industrial Policy in Sweden and Japan”

Kurzer, Paulette
Relationship between industry, financial markets and politics in Sweden

Moskol, Ann E
Comparative study of the implementation of programs designed to encourage females to enter technical careers

Olson, Kenneth, G
Analysis of the Swedish Government’s policy of subsidizing newspapers, its successes, and its implications for freedom of the press

Sears, Timothy
Relationship between the Swedish Social Democratic and Trade Union Movment and the so-called “New Social Movement” in Western European Societies, such as feminism, environmentalism

Vittes, M Elliot
Acid rain policy and associated inti relations as formulated, implemented, assessed and reformulated by the Swedish governmental system


Swedish Recipients:

Beiming, Ragne
Lagstiftningen mot etnisk diskriminering i arbetslivet och metoder för anpassning av människor från främmande kulturer.

Bellman, Birgitta
Visit several schools for the deafto study different methods, i e oral, signing and combined and how they teach deaf children in rhythmics.

Bergman, Erland
Recent development ofresearch in race and ethnic relations in the US.

Bernhardt, Fredrik
Collect and document examples ofprojects illustrating ideas conceming “new use” of old industrial areas/environments

Falk, Jill
Carreer structure ofuniv administration, where women administrators reach mid management leve! but seldom appointed top post.

Gustafsson, Tryggve
Reasons for the exceptionally fast employment growth in the US

Jutterström, Stig
Den nya situationen för amerikansk fackföreningsrörelse, t ex den strukturella övergången från industrisamhälle till tjänstesamhälle.

Lind, Ingela
The Travel Exhibition of art in 1912 – 13 organized by the Am. Scan. Foundation and its impact on Am. Scan relations. Trace the ideological mythmaking of Scandinavia through the exported exhibitions.

Malmström-Lindberg, Monica
The future ofthe traditional radio. How does qualified radio-journalism survive in a society like the Am. Journalism is more and more becoming a typical femala profession.

Tingbjörn, Gunnar
The schooling ofbilingual children in the US and discuss research and experimental education concerning immigrant children, their lingustic development etc.

Åfeldt, Lars
Besöka stamningsforskare, föreningar och deras roll, målsättning och arbetsmetoder.

Öhrström, Lilian
Studies of the higher educational system in the US from student, research institutes and Iabour market points ofview.

Lunderquist, Thorsten
Economic crimes in the US with respect to the handling of cases in court. What can be done to speed up the trial process.

American Recipients:

Ashford, Douglas
Research and interview with Sw experts and local officials on the organization and provision of local social services

Berman, Larry
Organization and operation of political patties in the Riksdag as part of a bicentennial report on reforming the U.S. constitution

Carlson, Norman
Obtain a better understanding of correctional practices in Sweden, the operation of prisons and jails

Cochran, Augustus
Worklife democratization under Sweden’s 1976 Co-determination Law (MBL)

Donohue, Michael
The interaction of Sw unions, business and government in setting social policy

Kruzel, Joseph
Evolution of Sw neutrality and its contemporary manifestation in foreign, economic and security policy

La Noue, George
The changing role of European universities in serving national economic and technological development goals and the impact of that change on faculty

Lapping, Mark
An assessment of several alternatives of Sw models for univ/industry research and development interaction and collaboration

Malloch, Theodore
Sweden’s role in the global economy. Particular focus on trade balance and industrial policy and export promotion

Osterberg, David
Investigate the amelioration of toxic waste and farm chemical risks by studying projects to erradicate groundwater pollution on the provincial level

Schlagel, Amy
Observe research and field programs for the identification, evaluation and protection of Sweden’s historical and archeological heritage.

Stromberg, Peter
Conduct a pilot research project on the nature and development of individualism in Sweden.


Swedish Recipients:

Anderson, Krister
Obtain inspiration and ideas conceming ideology, research and methods ofinfluencing professional and public opinion, esp in the economic field.

Bäckström, Anders
Opinions of trade union repr at various levels and of ordinary members on the question of technological development and employment

Gellerfelt, Mats
Studier av samtida amerikansk litteratur och föreläsa om samtida svensk litteratur.

Hedqvist, Eric

To get familiar with progressive opinions and ideas ofmuseum managing matters.

lsacson, Dan
Studier av multimediala objekt och företeelser inför start av mediatikutbildning i Kalmar, masskommunikation, effekter av olika medier.

Jönsson Lundmark, Birgitta
The process for setting accounting standards and the work ofthe UN inter­govemmental working group of intemational standards of accounting and reporting.

Krueger, Tomas
The handling of drugproblems, measures of prevention in connection with drug abuse, customs and policework, court practice in connection with penalities, probationary practice, prisons and rehabilitation centers.

Lundgren, Bo
Experiences and research regarding the connection between taxes and economic growth.

Nilsson, Agneta

To develop and study new methods in family planning, the situation of American families with a stress on equal parenthood, fatherhood/motherhood, maternal and child health care system

Sjöblom, Claes
Ways of stimulating regional development in depressed areas in Minnesota, esp the collaborate work to expand employment between business and govemment in “job creation network”

Åkerman, Lars

Fördjupa och öka kunskaper om amerikanskt jordbruk. USA:s jordbrukspolitik har avgörande betydelse för europeiska och svenska lantbrukares lönsamhet och produktionsinriktning.

Arrhenius, Erik

The shift of focus for society’s concern for environment conservation.

American Recipients:

Bannon, Kathleen
Cultural policies in relations to planning integration and decentralization of arts programs and intergovernmental co-operation.

Bradshawrn, Ted
Collect information on the relation between high technology electronics development and public policy in Sweden esp. relating to incentives for firm creation or expansion.

Butterick, George
Research on the poet Charles Olson, his Swedish heritage and, in turn, his legacy to modern Swedish literature

Cameron, David
The Political Debate about the Size of the Public Economy in Sweden: Alternative Visions of the Future.

Cole, Paul
The Status of USSR-Swedish diplomatic/official relations. Will also monitor the national elections for impact on this topic.

Feeley, Malcolm
Criminal courts in Sweden, “strafforelaggande” and non-custodial sentences and their possible applications in the US.

Kornbluh, Joyce
Social policies relating to women’s participation in the labor force

Levin, Larry
Effectiveness of the Swedish institutions which protect the media from legal harassment and to analyze the relevance of them to the current libel/legal crises facing American journalism

Melville, Keith
Political and social psychological obstacles to trimming back the Swedish Welfare system

Neff, Charles
Follow-up interviews with Swedes who have experienced alcoholism treatment and study local Swedish governmental organizations

Reimer, Rita
Practical impact of Swedish family law on widows and divorced women, unmanied couples, and single mothers

Sellin, David
Survey Swedish arr collections which contain 19th and 20th century paintings and examine archives for documents and sources relating to the int art colonies in France frequented by both US and by both US and Scandinavian painters.


Swedish Recipients:

Bjelle, Britta
Prohibition of trade in NY and CA and the difference between injunction and our inhibition of trade.

Engberg, Katarina
US – European relations, with emphasis on US – Nordic relations. Interviews with e g researchers at the Center for Strategic studies and decisionmakers at the State Dept.

Hultin, Olof
American architecture with focus on how the ideas of design have developed <luring the last 10 years in the field of postmodemism.

Högmark Bergman; Christina
US trade union movement and exchange views on the textile and leather workers’ struggle for keeping their jobs.

Kedvall, Göran
Connections between society and denomination and influences from these connections on the work of the church.

Kågeson, Per
US debate on energy and environment. This is still of great importance to the development in Sweden, especially conceming the nuclear controversy.

How US archival theory influences the practical work ofUS archival institutions at different levels and esp. relationship between archival institutions and govemmental authorities.

Lundqvist, Ulla
Children’s book. The procedure ofpublishing and criticism and methods ofteaching literature to pupils from the age of 6 to 18. Public and school libraries and how they serve young people.

Lundström, Agneta
Popular science research information at US museums, esp. for children – Talks with representatives of popular science publications and ofpopular science information in radio and TV.

Olsson, Mats
Public and local participation in the decisionmaking process conceming environmental protection and nature conservancy.

Robertsen-Dokras, Åse
International PR dept. of21 major US unions with an effort to identify intemational PR strategies, transnational union contact schemes.

Svenningsson, Levi
Development of US welfare system and the distribution of welfare in the US during the 80s with emphasis on problems caused by the current economic policy in relation to the labour unions.

Calltorp, Johan
Aspects of competition in the health care system specializing in priorities and decisionmaking mechanisms in health policy.

Jerneck, Ingrid
Possibilities for the physical therapy-students to get in contact with the research <luring their studies and ways of education conceming graduate and post-graduate studies for persons with paramedical education.

American Recipients:

Comparison of pattern of participation in public & private employment sectors, focusing on rate of participation, occupational status, job search methods and commitment to work.

Mlyniec, Wallace
Methods for treating children who have violated the law, or who need supervision.

Shearer, Derek
Survey of past successes, current problems and future prospects of Sweden urban planning.

Gardels, Nathan
Technical aspects and political problems involved with the development and implementation ofwage­earner’s fund.

Alves, Maria Helena
An investigation oflabor relations and working conditions at Saab/Scania, as part of a broader study comparing conditions in parent corporations of industrial countries and their third world subsidiaries.

Gray, Virginia
Family policy, its effect upon women.

Noto, Nonna
Tax policy decisions in Sweden to contribute to the current debate in the US. Congress over how to raise taxes to reduce the deficit.


Swedish Recipients:

Ahlmark, Per
Civil rights, the social conditions in slum areas and black organizations in 1984.

Handell, Jörgen
Collect basics fora book about Swedish small business industrial politics. Creative capita! resources and human creativity.

von Heijne, Gunnar
The tendency towards “biologizing” apparent in contemporary ideological debate.

Karlsson, Lars-Olof
Problems in connection with prostitution. To make interviews with authorities and prostitutes.

Petren, Alice
Intemational debt crisis. Affects on the World Trade and the Swedish Export.

Svensson, Lennart
The presidential election in U.S., the Labour Movement and the cultural activities within the movement Bread and Roses.

Åkerman, Nordal
Production and development of new magazines and weeklies.

Erenius, Gillis
Anglo-American extradition law, particularly the extradition law ofU.S. with emphasis on the political offence exceptions.

Cars, Torsten
Recent development in the field ofpress freedom and the activities ofthe equivalent to the Swedish Press Ombudsman and the Swedish Press Council.

Viklund, Elisabet
Approaches to, methods for and experience of social revitalization at neighbourhood level.

Sima, Jonas
New methods in film- and TV-production. Distribution ofvideogramme and TV by means ofvideo and computers.

American Recipients:

Fogelman, Edwin
Current views on public/private sector relations – preparations for a sector on Sweden in textbook

Gallagher, Thomas
Taxation and economic planning policies

Guenther, Gary L.
Promotion of the growth of high-technology industries as part of a national industrial policy for the 1980’s

de Leon, Peter G.
Nuclear Power – Swedish policy and experiences

Mac Leod, Dan F.
Work environment, collective bargaining and legislation

Oliver, Leonard P.
“Study circles” as a vehicle for citizen participation in democratic decision – making

Peterson, Kristina K
Trade union involvement in cultural affairs

Rosencranz, Armin D.
Sweden’s international strategies to abate acid rain and to effectuate the ECE “Acid Rain” Convention of 1979

Seminario, Margaret
Practices and policies for establishment of occupational health standards

Weitzman, Leonore
Social, economic and legal effects of divorce law reforms for a comparative analysis of no-fault divorce

Heise, Jon O
Education and associated services for foreign students, emphasis on 3rd world students.



Swedish Recipients:

Berggren, Jesper
To study how the Congress ofthe USA informs general public about what is happening in the Congress.

Blid, Henry
To study society management and union education. Follow up the Chautauqua Movement in New York state from which the study circle method most likely has emanated.

Feuk, Lena

To study the treatment and prevention of child sexual abuse (CSA).

Hadenius, Stig
To study the impact ofnew information technology on American society and on news media.

Heckscher, Sten
Studies and exchange ofviews and experiences conceming ideological shift in criminal policy, sentencing policy and guidelines, etc.

Hedelius, Margareta
To study care ofthe aged in the USA with special attention to the different altematives to the govemmental services.

Hökerberg, Jan
A life after oil. A scenario for the future. Interviews with leading representatives of the oil industry.

Jorborg, Maria
To visit the Califomian Police District and university institutions connected with police training and police research.

Wästberg, Olle
To study the debate on and practice of social responsibility in business.

Ortmark, Åke
To work in Senator E. Kennedy’s office in the field of economic policy.

American Recipients:

Clark, C. Scott
To determine need for and methods, effectiveness, and cost of compliance with requirement to control emissions from enclosed wastewater aeration facilities.

Domke, William K.
Investigation of Swedish security policy, focusing on defense budgeting as a means of assessing political and economic constraints on Swedish security policy.

Frankel, Richard A.
Examination of the Swedish acid rain phenomenon, in the field and with researchers and policy-makers, applying the Swedish experience to North America.

Hobson, Barbara M.
Examination of methods and major findings of the Swedish Prostitution Commission, providing US shapers of public ppolicy with a model for reintegrating prostitutes into the community.

Niemi, Richard G.
Collaborative work with researchers on Swedish and American political attitudes and behaviour.

Ratliff, Richard
Building energy conservation including legal aspects.

Soler, Mark I.
Studying non-institutional treatment, institutional rehabilitation, co-ordination of services, ban on corporal punishment – all re. juvenile offenders and organization protecting rights of children.

Townsend, Marilyn
Comparison of the approaches of the United Mine Workers and the Swedish Miners union to negotiating a collective bargaining agreement.

Wernick, Walter            

To analyze Swedish models for the delivery of career/vocational programs to see what they might contribute to the education of ethnic-oriented disadvantaged youth in the US.

Young, Marjorie H
Studying Sweden’s community-based services for the elderly day care, home-helper service, home­nursing etc.

Lindberg, Leon
The vulnerability of the “Nordic Model” in the 80s and beyond, in collaboration with colleagues at the Utrikespolitiska institutet.


Swedish Recipients:

Ahmed, Ishtiaq
To shed light on the Islamic Concept ofthe State and its implications, both international and interna! and to study how militant Islamic Fundamentalism does affect the Structure of Authority of a Muslim State

Enander, Henrik
To study in three regions public library services including mobile library systems, as well as general cultural policies and agencies on the local municipal leve!

Enström, Peter
To study courses for union members at university leve! and the co-operation of union people and university people in “research study circles”.

Hall, Thomas
To study cityplanning in US cities which are in some respect similar to Stockholm (Baltimore, Minneapolis, Atlanta, New Orleans, Denver)

Madebrink, Rut
Deafpeople’s and children’s right to their own language (the sign language). The educational and social situation ofbilingual deaf children

Modig, Hans
Distribution of’higher education by tele-communications – thc organization, the administration and the pedagogic approach

Olsson, Sven
Educational activities in Trade unions; The unions and the universities, “Trade union schools”

Rönnow, Hans-Henrik

Cooperation and strains in Atlantic relations, with particular attention to security problems ofWestem dependance on oil from the Middle East

Stenberg, Gunilla

To attend the conference: “The Future Role of the Residential Schools for the Blind” at Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, Mass. To study optaconreading, a sighttraining program, the itinerant teachers in New Yersey anda resource center for the Blind.

Fogelklou, Anders

To get an orientation of American and Comparative Law at Rutgers University Law School and to get an orientation of American methods and theories in the study of and comparing Communist societies at Columbia University and Stanford University.

American Recipients:

Baird, Jane C.
Comparative study of educational programs/policies for mentally retarded in US & Sweden. Voluntary and government programs.

Davis, Louis E.
Processes for achieving designs that lead to enhanced organizational effectiveness coupled with industrial democracy & high quality of working life.

Foster, Charles R.
Implementation of bilingual education in school systems & teacher training colleges under the Home Initial effects of 1979 law prohibiting parental use of physical punishment.

Kleinman, Goldy D.
Implementation, current issues, problems of occupational health & safety legislation.

Lasson, Kenneth L.
Comparative study of civil liberties in US and Sweden.

McFate, Patricia A.
Governmental support of cultural institutions.

Palmer, John W.
Computer systems: right of privacy & the need to know – social policy to balance both public & private information systems with legitimate concerns of privacy and individual rights.

Rose, Lawrence E.
Consumer protection policy making, particularly as this may be compared to similar policy making practices in other advanced industrial democracies.

Rossein, Merrick T.
To examine policies & practices in implementing the integration of the handicapped into working life in Sweden.



Swedish Recipients:

Abrahamsson, Bengt
Studies and research on work organization, labor economics, labor management relationships

Annerstedt, Ylva
To gain experiences in how to meet with and try to solve problems connected with immigration. 1) Everyday confrontations in housing areas between ethnic groups whose cultural frames ofreference are wide apart. Ways to solve them. 2) Bilingual Education 3) How to integrate immigrant children socially, culturally and in the educational system.

Carlsson, Bo
Facklig utbildning i universitetsregi. I första hand utbildning i arbetsmiljöfrågor.

The situation of old immigrants in USA

Englund Nilsson, Margareta
The aspects of probation within the correctional system.

Nilsson, Thaly
I) Seminars and meetings with planners and institutional researchers at different universities 2) Attend the 1981 AIR (Association for Institutional Research) Forum in Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota 17-21 May, 1981.

Rosengren, Bernt
1) Manhattan ur kulturpolitisk synvinkel 2) Ung amerikansk litteratur 3) Jugoslaver i New York – anpassning jämfört med i Sverige

Skog, Rolf
Att informera om den svenska debatten om löntagarfonder 2) Att studera den amerikanska debatten om pensionsfonder 3) Att studera den amerikanska debatten om sk A- och B- aktier.

Tuveson, Michael
Att bedriva patienträttsstudier. Problematik i samband med läkemedelsbiverkningar och felbehandlingar.

American Recipients:

Bernstein, Paul
Worker participation in decision making and work design

Campbell, Philip C.
Victims of sexual assult, incest and family violence: incidence and occurance patterns.

Fritz, Jan Marie
Social policy development/implementation (relationships government, municipalities, business unions, community organizations) for the retired and aged.

Haskel, Barbara G.
Conditions for group formation and maintenance in interest groups for the elderly.

Recio, H. Hugh
“Swedish Democracy & Social Policy” (political management, policy challenges, labor market, social welfare, housing energy – in a period of restraint).

Lehman, Yvette K.
Treatment of women offenders, sentencing patterns, services to families of women prisoners, rehabilitation of prisoners.

Lindsay, Robert
Problems of freedom of expression in the media, work on the Swedish Committee of Broadcasting and journalism education.

Logue, A. John
Working democracy: practices and attitudes on the shop floor, relations between workers, effect on collective bargaining, employee/employer perceptions of changes and their impact.

Ockert, Roy A.
Research and education functions of labor organizations, workers’ education, vocational training.

Oyler, Patricia G.
Automated cataloguing and circulation systems in academic, public and special libraries.

Pogrebin, Letty Cottin
Egalitarian social roles translated into policies and practices.



Swedish Recipients:

Johansson, Thomas
Research/Studies at Princeton University on
1.  Solar energy and energy demand in the future
2.  Studies ofinterdisciplinary research associated with energy problems

Dahlgren, Hans
How one or several major presidental candidates in the US primaries organize their press relations and how they handle conflict-of-interest situations between themselves and the media

Jönsson, Per
Interviews with decision-makers, opinion-makers and academics on “US foreign policy towards East Asia and the Middle East”

Lundin, Ulf W.
Education in Natura! Science and technology in Schools in USA in perspective ofthe on-going debate in Sweden concerning this question

Nilsson, Jan
1.New financial and other techniques how to stimulate new business ventures within the Small Business Administration
2.  Ideas around Entrepreneurial Management

Rystad, Göran
Images of the past and their influence on the formulation of American foreign policy in the post-WW II era

Svensson, Inez
Interviews with joumalists, buyers, designers and architects on the awareness in the US today of happenings in Swedish applied arts and industrial design <luring 70th. Later critical discussion in Swedish media

Solka Vinos, Jan

Studies of Museum Work and Museo-logical research training institutes in USA (Smithsonion Institute, Washington)

American Recipients:

Cooper, Kenneth J.
Public opinion research on policies/programs for equality of life priorities re energy use in the future.

Early, Stephan R.
Worker education. Materials and training techniques in job safety/health: study circle leadership training. How safety/health research/training helps implement national legislation.

Eiger, Norman
Labor education-needs, programs in view of reforms in worker participation, working environment. Trade union study organizers and role of study circles.

Fege, Anne S
Comparative study-wood energy programs/policies since 1974: harvesting wood for energy, and establishing energy farms.

Ginsburg, Helen
Labor market policies for full employment, e.g. among women, young people. Role of adjustment groups in reducing unemployment among hard-to-employ persons. Advance warning system prior to dismissal. Utilization of unemployed in urban and development areas.

Haas, Ain Edvard
Industrial democracy, including work-place reforms, implications ofMBL, workers’ views on wage­earner funds and board representation.

Jacobs, Antoinette C.
Policies/practices in implementing the integration of the handicapped into the mainstream of society: employment, housing, transportation, education, social services.

Kleberg, John R.
Curriculum/instructional procedures for police supervisory and administrative officers at Solna Police College, with police/ community relationships.

McCluskey, Neil G.
Has government responsibility for income, health care and housing ofretired persons limited their personal preparation for retirement? How content are they? Where is public policy moving?

Miller, Arthur H.
Media impact on political attitudes.

Olson, David M.
Internal organization of parliament, committee system, relationship to government and its constituencies – comparative study Britain, Spain, Poland, Sweden.

Shelton, Anita
“Democratization of culture”: distribution of literature/printed materials to the masses, at the workplace, by book publishers (En bok for alla}, to correctional facilities.

Thorelli, Hans B.
Public/private consumer policy since 1974, with relation to social-political value structure, economy, demography, judicial factors.



Swedish Recipients:

Widgren, Jonas
Studies on recent trends in American immigration and minority policies

Ahlberg, Sture
Study on the Jews in USA with special emphasis to the Orthodox Jews in New York

Frisk, Gösta
Trade Union Education Program

Urban studies; questions concerning urban development and the urban crisis

Johansson, Lage
Studera självmordsproblemet i vid bemärkelse (Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center)

Lindahl, Rutger
Mass communication research

Nydån, Michael
Research concerning mass media and the oil crisis

Rönnberg, Margaretha
Study the phenomenon of “children and TV” on location

Gustafsson, Siv
Study project on sex roles and social change to do comparative research on women in the labour market between Sweden and the USA

Groll, Lennart
Problemet yttrandefrihetens gräns i press och andra medier

Henningsson, Karin
Narkotikalagstiftning och lagföring för narkotikabrott samt påföljdspraxis

Hjort, Christer
lnformationskanaler och -system inom universitetet

Hörnqvist, Sten-Åke
Att ta del av erfarenheter i USA av omstruktureringen av den psykiatriska vården

Jacobsson, Bertil
Att studera amerikanska bilarbetareförbundets “job-sharing”­program

Mårdbrant, Christer
To study new approaches in small business development

Wennerfors, Britt
To attend courses of Administration and Policy Analysis as help to connect experiences as a teacher with experiences as educational politician

Winsnes, Torbjörn
To study energy politics and energy projects in order to improve the reporting of energy problems in Swedish Broadcasting

American Recipients:

Burton, Jeffrey
Labor movement and labor’s impact on national policy (institutional relationship).

Hagglund, George S.
1) health and safety problems in the work-place
2) workers’ training in ergonomic techniques
3) shiftwork and psycho-social factors and work inter-relations

Johnson, Richard A.
Political institutions in the field of competition policy (Market Court, Antitrust Ombudsman).

Koblik, Steven
Anthology on comtemporary Sweden
“Continuity and change: Three Swedish elections – 1973, 1976, 1979”.

Kornbluh, Hyman
Employee participation in central government, collective bargaining and union educational institutions.

Lipow, Arthur
State subsidies to political parties.

Ruttenberg, Ruth A.
Swedish labor market policies: how selective measures are used (industries, regions, etc).

Snortum, John R.
Criminal justice and correctional planning, police organizations.

Steinberg Ratner, Ronnie
The equality programs of AMS, pre-school activities, child care and leisure-time activities.

Wyant, Dennis R.
Interrelationship and coordination among organizations of and for the handicapped.



Swedish Recipients:

Åsard, Erik
The American system of profit sharing. Differencies and similarities between the USA and Sweden.

Jonsson-Rylander, Christina
Communication theory, reporting and writing.

Höijer, Björn
U.S. Govemment, local govemment and news media.

Luterkort, Göran
The field of “Tryckfrihet och pressetik” etc.

Mosesson, Thomas
Trade unions’ attitudes towards environmental problems and occupational risks.

Svensson, Claes
The relations between universities and the society.

Tarras-Wahlberg, Björn

The relations between the business-world and politics.

Wallinder, Torbjörn
The role for the jury in the American legal System, compared to his own research on the Swedish jury system in press cases.

Wiklund, Åke

How foreign news are presented in U.S. News Media

American Recipients:

O’Mara, Allyn Helen
Climate-related building design and urban planning. Research, public policy, economic and health benefits.

Anton, Thomas J.
Study of the political attitudes of the Swedish elite, public attitudes toward urban governmental structure, service and ref mm national urban policy for the next decade.

Tilton, Timothy A.
Social democratic theory of Ernst Wigfors research for book on political theory of the welfare state.