“If it’s not on the internet, it doesn’t exist!”
2021 grant recipient, Martin Ståhl, proposes that Sweden emulate the “transcription explosion” that occurred in the US following the COVID-19 lockdowns. In his article, published in ARKIV, he describes the processes and success that US cultural heritage institutions experienced during the pandemic thanks to crowdsourcing. Not only was historical information democratized — volunteers participated in a meaningful activity which will contribute to academia for generations to come. Click here to read more.
“So Kevin McCarthy wants to give Joe Biden a match”
Lunch with our grant recipient Nancy Snow

From the left: Anna Kläppe (Policy Expert Centerpartiet), Nina Åkestam Wikner (author & DEI Specialist), Annika Rembe (Sweden’s previous Consul General New York), Nancy Snow (Ph.D., International Relations and Professor of Public Diplomacy at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies in Japan), and Anna Rosvall Stuart (Executive Director, The Sweden-America Foundation)
2020 grant recipient Nancy Snow came to Sweden to discuss Feminist Foreign Policy.
Elizabeth Kolbert visits Sweden
1993 grant recipient Elizabeth Kolbert will visit Sweden on March 23, 2020 to speak at Medborgarskolan. Elizabeth Kolbert has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1999. Click here to learn more.
“SSAB, LKAB bet big on fossil-free steel”
2019 grant recipient, Michael Cowden, writes about fossil-free steel for Fastmarkets AMM. Click here to learn more.
“Can American Men and Women Ever Really Be Equal?”
2018 grant recipient Irin Carmon’s project, “A comparative approach to marriage and intimate relationships in Sweden and the United States”, is featured as the cover story of the October 8, 2018 issue of Time Magazine. Click here to read why Ruth Bader Ginsberg traveled to Sweden, yet why traditional gender norms will likely forever be the norm in the US.
“Kamala Harris can win the presidential election for Trump”
Girl power in the White House? Perhaps not in the most favorable ways for the Democratic Party. Our 2018 grant recipient, Mathias Bred, traveled to the US to research “Californian politics in the Trump era.” In his article published in Göteborgs-Posten, he describes a catch-22 which may push the 2024 election in favor of the Republican Party. Click here to read more.
“The De-Cashing of Sweden Points to Much Bigger Problems”
2017 grant recipient Derek Monroe traveled to Sweden to research “Swedish consumer laws and their application in Swedish economy.” Click here to read his article in the Observer to learn more about the world’s oldest central bank going digital and the issues it may cause.
“Reindeer Herding With the Sami of Sweden”
2016 grant recipient Julie Cid shares her experiences of Sami culture with Fodor’s Travel. Click here to read about the winter landscape of Flakaberg, Sami traditions and the challenges they face.
“Engineering the Glass Seed”
2015 grant recipient, Shani McLane, traveled to Sweden to teach a course at Kosta Boda Glass Factory. Her STEAM based program taught art as a form of trauma therapy to refugee youth. Click here to read more about the program and Shani’s other projects.

Wästberg’s book Den hotade demokratin – Så kan den räddas i populismens tid (2021) examines how populism poses a threat to the Swedish democracy (and to other democracies) and how we can protect our democracy from extremism.
His recently published book, I tidens skugga (2022), is a memoir that covers Wästberg’s broad-ranging background as an opinion leader. He has been a member of the Swedish parliament and a board member for the Swedish liberal party Folkpartiet (today Liberalerna) for no less than 30 years; he was the State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance; Editor-in-Chief for the Swedish news paper Expressen; Consul General in New York; Director General of the Swedish Institute, responsible for international dissemination of knowledge about Raoul Wallenberg for 100 years.
Elisabeth Kolbert interviewed in SvD Kultur
Swedish journalist Malin Ekman has talked with our 1993 grant recipient Elizabeth Kolbert about Kolbert’s new book Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future. Elizabeth Kolbert has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1999 and she has previously won the Pulitzer Price for her book The Sixth Extinction.
”Smärtsamt att inte kunna säga till barnen att allt blir bra”
Ylva Mårtens reviewed in Dagens Nyheter
In 1998, Ylva Mårtens received the grant to “study schools that apply Dr. Lorraine Monroe’s pedagogy for ‘problem schools.'” Today, you can buy her book Vi måste börja med barnen (We Have to Start with the Children). Click here to read more about her research in Dagens Nyheter.